Promosi Doktor a.n. Elvis R. Sumanti

Senin, 16 Juli 2018, Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan ujian sidang promosi Doktor terbuka ke empat atas nama Elvis Ronald Sumanti (NPM 1406591661) yang dipimpin oleh Prof. Dr. Nachrowi, M.Sc., M.Phil. sebagai Ketua Sidang.

Dr. Elvis Ronald Sumantilahir di Tomohon, 9 Maret 1981, merupakan Dosen di Universitas Klaba. Menempuh pendidikan sarjana di Universitas Klabat, Airmadidi, Manado pada tahun 1999 – Desember 2002, tahun 2006 – 2007 beliau mendapat beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship untuk berkuliah di The Universty of Melbourne, dan pada tahun 2004 beliau di terima sebagai mahasiswa program Doktor di Pascasarjana Ilmu Akuntansi FEB UI.

Dr. Elvis Ronald Sumanti merupakan lulusan ke 60, beliau berhasil mempertahankan Disertasinya, dan dinyatakan lulus dengan predikat Cumlaude yang bimbing oleh:

Dr. Sylvia Veronica Siregar, S.E., Ak (Promotor),

Dr. Ancella A. Hermawan, MBA., CA (ko-promotor 1), dan

Dr. Djoni Hartono (ko-promotor 2)

Dengan judul disertasi:



Hilda Rossieta, S.E., Ak., M.Comm., Ph.D (Ketua Penguji),

Dr. Ratna Wardhani, S.E., M.Si., Ak (Anggota Penguji)

Dr. Budi Frensidy (Anggota Penguji)

Helson Siagian, Ph.D (Anggota Penguji)

Siti Nuryanah, Ph.D (Anggota Penguji)


This study aims to analyze how firm’s multiple objectives (i.e. compensation motive, debt covenant, capital market target and tax avoidance)as a result of contracting relationships with stakeholder induce firm/agent to use all possible mechanisms to achieve their goals. As earnings information has become one of the most important information where many contracts are tied upon, it is hypothesized that the opportunistic firm/agent might use allavailable mechanisms interchangeably in order to meet the objectives. By focusing on ASEAN+3 countries during 2010-2016, this study finds out that the firm’s final reported final earnings number is a result of opportunistic choice of the appropriate accounting method through accrual earnings management, management of operational activities (real earnings management), and dissemination of informal information to manage expectation. All of these mechanisms are implemented simultaneously empirically.

The interplay of using those mechanisms in earnings game bears economic consequences. It does affect the cost of equity and cost of debt. The interplay of those mechanisms and how it affects investor perception are moderated by IFRS and investor protection. This study describes the pressures from stakeholders, firms reaction through choosing proper mechanisms to deal with those pressures, the economic consequences encountered as the result of firm’s involvement in earnings game.

The theoretical and practical implications of this study to the literature on earnings games is threefold. This research contributes (1) to the emphasize of the importance of considering integrative approach in accounting researchto speed up the progress in the accounting science, (2) to the introduction of “earnings game” as an empirically proven inclusive terminology to combine earnings management and management of forecast area of interest, (3) to highlight the inability of the current gatekeeper mechanisms to curb the opportunistic behavior in the capital market.

Keywords: Accrual based earnings management, real earnings management, downward
forecast guidance, earnings game, IFRS, investor protection.